Learn about: PCB layout design


  PCB layout design-designed printed circuit board (PCB) is a delicate process into practical application circuit. You need to consider many factors in the actual circuit will affect your results almost as much as the quality of your schematic. The difference is that the theoretical components, real-world devices that generate heat, wires and traces have inherent resistance traces too close, you can create a short circuit through a capacitor or manufacturing defects. A carefully designed assembly of the PCB will be easy; there is a clear logical flow and to avoid electrical problems.
  1 Open your PCB layout software, and create a new project file. Board to set the size of your project's specifications, and enable the "Snap to Grid" function in your software. "Snap to Grid" is a standard feature PCB layout software, will be more easily placed in an orderly assembly.
  2 components, you first need to have a specific location. This includes mounting holes, switches, lights, heat sink, or any other components connected to an external location or load on the shell.
  3 PCB layout design a group of independent functional components to make your layout more logical and easy to understand. For example, to different groups of logic and input / output section. Maintain the board's area, and independent of all digital and analog components, power components. High-frequency digital signal, you can create interference in the analog circuit.
  4 all in the same direction of polarization components and integrated circuits placed facing the same way, so that pin 1 is in the same position on each chip. This will make it easier in many places, you are actually part of the board of directors, and help you avoid mistakes.
  5, connect the components close to each other, to minimize trace lengths. Short traces the route is easy to help you avoid the noise, the inherent capacitance and plate complications. Power supply filter capacitor should be placed very close, they are connected to the IC pins. Each component should be the top of the board, unless there is absolutely no way to avoid the place at the bottom of several components.
  6 PCB layout design to set the width based on the current size, you expect them to be tracked. High current lines need to be more extensive traces; 0.01 inches, is a good low-power digital and analog signal amplifier and a low of about 0.3 width. 0.7 amps of the signal, you should use 0.02 inches wide track, 1 Amp signal should track the use of 0.025 inches wide. When tracking rotation, a pair of 45-degree angle, and use than a single sharp 90 degree turn to avoid the noise and prevent manufacturing defects. Used the hole, which is feed by the board from a layer to another hole, when the traces cross without connecting.